"Writing is like playing a sport.The more you practice, the more confident and facile, or 'natural' you become at it. Even students who struggle with writing will eventually be well on their way to becoming more 'natural', confident, fluid, and interested writers." - - Sandhya Nankani,former senior editor of Writing, a Weekly Reader and former Supervising Editor, Scholastic Education.
Welcome Budding Writers, Parents, And Lovers of Poetry & Dramatic, Wondrous Tales!
This blog will house stories that have been percolating at the Writers Studio. It's work by our students, some barely six years old, others on the verge of teen-dom, and still others young adults! It's also an e-version of our Doors Wide Open newsletter, which is edited and designed by our students.
I'll be posting announcements of upcoming workshops here too. Of course, if you know children who'd like to take their creative writing to the next step, I could have a workshop materialize around your dinner table!
Happy Reading!